
C.A. Albright & Sons was established in 1911 and has been family owned ever since. We are proud of our heritage in this area and honored to have served our community for over 110 years. The Next Generation has arrived and we have added Propane to our list of products offered! Our certified auto technicians can fix and maintain your foreign or domestic vehicles and remain on the cutting edge of technology. We deliver quality fuel oil at the lowest prices possible and combine that with expert installation and maintenance services for heating and cooling systems. A long history of service... C.A. Albright & Sons, LLC has been serving our community for a century. Clarence Albright established his lumber coal cooperage, barrel factory, and blacksmith shop in New Baltimore near what is now called Albright Lane on Route 144. The blacksmith shop became the first automotive shop sometime early in the 1900's, and Clarence moved the automotive shop to the site on Old Route 9W as a garage and service station. The original building still exists.

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